Our Story
Celebrations have always been a big deal to me. No birthday too insignificant, or milestone too small to celebrate. Ever since my oldest daughter could remember her birthday, we always went all out (as best as we could!) Since those early days, I have had two more little ones, 16 years worth of child birthdays, anniversaries and events planned.
GatherHouse was born of a late night brainstorming with a close, supportive friend, centered on the love for Jesus, fun and quality, local fare. The meaning behind the name comes from two biblical references, the principal of “gathering” as referred to in Matthew 18:20 and the “storehouse” as referenced in Deut. 28:12.
In the last two years I have grown a fascination with modern event design, including but not limited to balloon garlands, and custom party styling with unique pallets and textures. My desire is to layer ambiance, entertainment, and curated design to create truly something special to remember. I started small, with events, thoughtfully planned dinner parties, and birthday celebrations, but have the desire to broaden my horizons. I have found my passion, and am overjoyed to make this a reality.
Sarah Wilson, Founder